Saturday, April 23, 2011

How to identify and Correct the state of Hypoglycemia

how to identify and correct the state of hypoglycemia
Fuel molecules are needed to conserve energy and the conserved energy is utilized for driving energy intensive reactions and processes. The classical example for such a tissue is the brain. The normal blood glucose level stays around 100 mg%. It must then be surprising to learn that the commonest cause for hypoglycemia is diabetes. The term hypoglycemia refers to decreased blood glucose levels. Hypoglycemia Symptoms. How can individuals with diabetes have low blood glucose? Severe diabetes is treated with insulin while type 2 diabetics are usually treated with oral hypoglycemic agents, compounds which stimulate the secretion of insulin. The rise in the blood glucose is determined by the quantity of food consumed. The dosage also depends on physical activity. Hypoglycemia is dangerous as compared to hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose levels).

If you feel insanely dizzy as if you were going to pass out and feel your heart beating out of your chest and feel faint, yes, it can be too much stress or anxiety,Hypoglycemia Symptoms. but if you have energy swings it is most likely to be a low blood sugar symptom.

Hypoglycemia is a condition that results when blood sugar drops at very low levels. Learn the causes of hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia can occur if you skip meals or you delay eating your meals. Eating too little can also trigger hypoglycemia as well as drinking alcohol, thus if you want to get rid of this condition, make sure you avoid these culprits as well.2.Hypoglycemia Symptoms. Explore alternative treatments. Although there are medical ways on how to treat hypoglycemia, it also helps to explore the alternative treatments. Acupressure is one of the alternative treatments that can help you overcome hypoglycemia.4. Eat small but frequent meals throughout the day. This will help you attain that balance in your blood sugar level. See your doctor for underlying problems you have with hypoglycemia.